Did you know a single flea can lay up to 50 eggs per day and 2,000 eggs in its lifetime? Is it any wonder an infestation can get out of hand so quickly?
Most of us assume that fleas and ticks are a seasonal issue, but it’s not actually true. Although we typically associate spring and nicer weather with fleas and ticks, any season is really flea and tick season.
In fact, ticks don’t die in winter but instead go into a dormant state. As soon as the temperature rises above 0⁰C, even if there’s snow on the ground, ticks are active again, looking for their next meal. Likewise, your pet can end up with fleas any time of year. Fleas lay their eggs on your pet, which can fall onto the floor or other surfaces as your dog moves around. At the pupae stage, adult fleas can remain in their cocoons for weeks or even months until a host is close enough for them to jump on.
So, we know that fleas and ticks are an unpleasant nuisance. Other than some itching and scratching, what else does a preventative protect your dog from?
Not only do flea and tick bites cause your pet discomfort, leading to a lot of itching and scratching and possibly infection, they can also transmit diseases such as Flea Allergy Dermatitis, Tapeworm and Lyme Disease.
Flea Allergy Dermatitis
Flea Allergy Dermatitis (Hypersensitivity) is one of the most common dermatologic diseases affecting dogs. It occurs when the flea injects its saliva into the dog’s skin when it bites and feeds. The saliva contains proteins that may cause an allergic reaction, leading to extreme itchiness and hot spots which can easily become infected.
During self-grooming or grooming other pets, your dog may inadvertently ingest a flea infected with tapeworm. Tapeworms are intestinal parasites that hatch and attach themselves to your pet’s intestine, causing weight loss, vomiting and irritation.
Lyme Disease
Transmitted by black-legged (or deer) ticks, Lyme disease is one of the most common tick-borne illnesses affecting humans and animals in Canada. Although Lyme disease can infect your dog quickly, symptoms may only appear weeks or even months after a tick bite and can include fever, loss of appetite, low energy, lameness, and joint pain.

Using a flea and tick treatment that works fast and repels and kills on contact is key to keeping your dog flea- and tick-free. But, with so many different types of flea and tick treatments on the market, choosing the right one may be overwhelming.
Oral Treatments
Oral medications are available in pill or chewable format and usually require a prescription from a veterinarian. Once ingested by your dog, the medicine is transmitted to the pest when it bites your pet.
Most oral flea treatments target either adult fleas or eggs but not both and do not prevent ticks from attaching to your dog. Your pet must be bitten for the product to work.
Topical Treatments
There are a variety of topical flea and tick treatments available. Spot-on treatments come in liquid drops and are applied monthly, directly to the dog’s skin along its back.
An important benefit of a spot-on treatment such as K9 Praventa 360 is that it’s not ingested and therefore, the medication does not enter the pet’s bloodstream. It’s effective in repelling and killing fleas at all life stages including eggs and larvae and provides additional protection by killing adult ticks on contact, before they have a chance to bite your dog.
K9 Praventa 360 includes three active ingredients that help to protect your dog. This combination of the three actives creates a broad-spectrum treatment that is effective against adult ticks as well as each stage of the flea life cycle.
Imidacloprid is a neonicotinoid – an insecticide that interferes with the insect’s nervous system and stops it from functioning efficiently. Imidacloprid kills fleas, affecting them at all life stages.
Permethrin is a synthetic chemical that behaves like the natural insecticide pyrethrum which is produced by the chrysanthemum flower. Permethrin affects the insect’s nervous system, triggering muscle spasms and paralysis, eventually causing the pest to die. Permethrin is effective in helping to control fleas and both repels and kills ticks on contact.
Pyriproxyfen is an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) and is commonly used on pets to control fleas and ticks. It stops flea eggs from hatching and prevents the development of flea larvae into adults while also preventing adults from reproducing.
Because your dog is a cherished member of the family, protecting it from these parasites year-round makes sense. It’s better to be proactive rather than reactive. Using a topical preventative flea and tick treatment like K9 Praventa 360 is an easy way to ensure your dog is protected year-round so you can enjoy any season flea- and tick-free.